We're very happy thank you.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Another tragic event during the evening fireworks...

I don't know what the hell that was suppose to mean. Anyway, I am learning my Pentatonic Minor Scales now. Fun shit, my neighbor lent me his metranome (god I hate it, so annoying). I'll put a recording of my scales up later... It's pretty nice...can't come up as well though. Today's been pretty usual. Did you know about the snake they found in Indoneasia, it supposely 49 feet in length and over 950 pounds. They have to feed it four to five dogs a month.
Just for the record the longest snake in the world recorded up till now was 32 feet long and 402 pounds. Maybe they made a mistake, but maybe it's true. Too bad for the snake, at least it'll get some free food, maybe they'll even feed the snake some of those bratty little white chicks that Dollface hates so much.

The first part of my song/poem ::dance the night away::

If a cow rang your doorbell would you open up? Now that is out of my system... Man I have still not found the perfect name for the comic... Blaine suggested Sexified, but I don't think that people would get the joke.

my little song
In my little head
I thought about all she said
Everything, everything
that I heard
everything from her first word
to her last word

It comes to me now that
I can't cry
not even if I try
her thrust
is nothing but a push against my heart

Her empty words
Make empty wounds
Bleeding empty blood
Doesn't it hurt?

Monday, December 29, 2003


Your Fortune: [:) people find it hard to resist your persuasive manner. :)]
lucky numbers: [23, 21, 22, 28, 32, 5]
LOL I have lucky numbers... if only I was old enough to waste my money on buy lottery tickets. Even funnier, people find it hard to resist me. It must be my sexiness or the free tacos that I hand out in the street. Hehehehehe... "Tacos." More like cheap mexican labor. Sorry I just found that unbelievably funny and had to share it.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Daily Crap in my Pants....

Just kidding. Umm... Red birds fly over the Horizon. Oh yea, just try to juggle that one. Anyway I started reading Don Quixote De La Mancha by Cervantes. Great book, flows really well and is funny. It's not so funny that its cheap literature but enough to make me giggle like a little school girl. Anyways the I am at like page 100 out of 800 someodd. Yea, I have a long ways to go. So if you don't hear from me, its cause I'm reading. It's funny how crazy people are treated in the book, just go along with it until the kook is far far away, or beat the crazy bastard silly. I am suppose to compare this to Hamlet, so if you have any pointers, just buzz me. Other books that I am reading include:

  • Unfinished Tales by J.R. Tolkien.
  • Closing Time By Joseph Heller (I never really read this one seriously, just pick it up occasionally).
  • The Revenge Of The Latchkey Kids by Ted Rall (great political cartoonist).
  • Random Comic books, mostly DC and a bit of Image.

Try them, they are pretty good reads. The Tolkien one not so much unless your into that really descriptive stuff, like the hieght of the mountain and how many trees grow there and how many orcs have taken a crap there.

I love Canada

Oh man, this entire thing about me hating George W. Bush, well someone (an Indian) who works for the Toronto Star finally put it all together into this one article. Man I knew that all Indians think alike. Such a good op. ed. I definetely suggest reading it. More from me later 8)

Poor Poor Steve

Yea... It pretty late, I've been doing odd computer work all night, only had one meal today (never going to Chinatown again). Not really hungry though, about to sleep felt that I had to rant or do something before my system gave up. Dollface, so you saw the Return of the King (not going to bother with the link cause everyone know what it is). How was it? Umm....How is that Harmonica thing going?

There once was a man named Steve
Steve did what he wanted
When he pleased
Why sometimes he peed in the street

All was good for Steve
Everything was sunny and free
Until he pissed off this bulldog
And it bit off his knees
Now Steve can't get out his chair
He finds it hard to get up and down stairs
The funny thing is that no one cares.

Steve no longer takes strolls
or saunters in the park
or piss in the places that are dark
Now he just sits in his chair
Trying to reach for the pretty nurse's hair

Now Steve can't piss in streets
Or any other place that he sees
Poor Steve, Poor Steve
Stuck in a chair
Too bad nobody really cares.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

\/\/u55uP d00ds???

Further notes on the entire media player thing...

  1. I forgot to metion this earlier, but iTunes is just a music player, that's it, nothing else. Umm... Lets see what else did I have to say about iTunes... Oh yea, don't mess with the programming, esp in the libary files cause it will fuck you up.
  2. Winamp 5 or whatever they said that was really nice and should get (by they I mean the development team) sucks a lot of man penis. The update on the thing that Deadinside was talking about, that make its use less memory, well I haven't seen it. In other words it eats p00p.
  3. The best bet up till now, and this is just my opinion, is Winamp 2.8. The only problem is that it isn't visble on their site anymore.

Now to things that are actually interesting... I hate Kin, oh my god. Why? Don't ever play any game with him. When he starts to lose, he comes up with an exucse.
Hey my probes stopped collecting minerals
After he loses, he comes up with an excuse.
Okay now its my turn. (wants to make u believe that his brother was playing instead of him)
Man... Pisses me off, if this was just once or twice I wouldn't mind, but everytime!

Friday, December 26, 2003

Make it little less subtle

Firstly I found this cute picture on the New York Times website.

Secondly I made a little skit that I should really not share because it just goes to show that I am clinically insane.
The worst thing that you can say at a funeral
guy1: So... was she any good in bed?
guy2: She was my grandmother!
guy1: Oh...Oh...ummm....did you ever play those strange hideNseek goes wrong games with her?
guy2: DUDE! She was my grandmother, and I loved her (in a plutonic way). I just wish that she was still here. What the hell is wrong with you?
guy1: Man, if you loved her so much, why don't you stuff her and put her in the living room... you're going to hit me now aren't you.
::stare at each other for a moment::
guy2: Yes. Yes, I am.
::guy2 smacks guy1 upside his head::

Oh by the way for all of you who are looking to for a good mp3 player for your desktop, try iTunes. It's pretty good. The best part of it is that it organizes your music into all these little catagories and for all you 'legal eagles' you can download your music 'legally' with it. The worst part of iTunes is the AAC formating. The encryption makes it immpossible to make mp3s and to put mp3s on mp3 players (except iPods). Don't be bummed out, there is a bug in the program that you can crack and well not have your music be AAC encypted. I don't personally know how to, but it is explained here (the links there will also lead you to places that show you how).
In my personal experience, iTunes was wonderful. The reasons for this being that my mp3s are on another computer and so when i access them over my network, iTunes can't encrypt them. I also don't download music or burn music using iTunes, so well no encryption there. I am still grey on this AAC, I don't think it applies if you don't use iTunes for burning or downloading. I can still burn all my music that I listened to, in fact I just did. I also messed with the some of the libary files that iTunes came with, and that's another reason why it didn't do anything to my music. Please don't do what I did because after a week my iTunes stopped working, and everytime I download it, it still doesn't work. Oh well, I'll just stick to my Winamp 2.8 and Nero 5.0. Overall iTunes is a good music player (it organizes wonderfully), and it can be better if you crack it... Not that I am telling you to...

Thursday, December 25, 2003

wow... merry x-mas my little pretties...

Man I am hungry and bored. Just set the soup to boil, hope that it finishes soon. Today was rather uneventful. I finalized the new beta name for the comic, h535 1337... wait or maybe FUBAR... You guys tell me which is better, if neither then suggest a name. Please do so in the comment section. Thanks

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

What I think of Bush...

Hehehe, firstly the guy's name is Bush... That just opens him for countless jokes. Not to say that he isn't competent, not at all. He is all politics, all votes and all richie rich. By that last one I mean that he is all for producing cash, the only thing is that he isn't thinking about the environment or the poor people. A good example would be New York City, over the last two years the rich have gotten richer, but the middle class has started to disappear. Bush's hope with this is that the upper class's wealth will tricke down the economic prymiad. Not really working.
Whenever I imagine the president, I imagine a little boy who has made a huge mess in his parents room, but manages to hide everything under their bed so that the don't notice. When the parents come to check up on him, they see how productive he is and give him some candy. That's the way that Bush is. I mean he has made a mess domestically and internationally, but right when he would be punished (right when Dean was becoming popular) they find Saddam. It's very strange. I think that they knew where Saddamn was for at least a month. The only reason they didn't capture him before is that he was their trump card. Right when reelection became a hot topic and Dean became popular, Bamm! They played the trump card and Bush is back on the top of the polls. Not many americans know what is actually happening overseas many don't even know what Saddam has done wrong or where their troops are fighting. Hmm.... My opinion is that I hate and admire the Bush adminstration for their sneakiness, and that the Democrats have no chance of winning. In fact they have negative chances, they owe chances to win to Bush. BURN THE BUSH!!

Today's news

Touche you damn oily bastards:Appeals court blocks Bush administration clean air changes. First you attack Yellowstone, but no more!
Singapore takes action: Sexy Singapore Santas hand out condoms. Still trying to get pictures, just kidding;)
Spoke too soon: Ruling may open Alaskan forest to logging.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Gotta love the spoon!

Man I really have nothing good to say... I do have some not so good, but still pleasent stuff to address. First of all HAPPY HOLIDAYS! That was just for those of you who celebrate this stuff. For the rest go crawl into some damp hole somewhere... No really I mean it. Actually I don't... Something is going to blow right up in my face, I can feel it. Last night I didn't really get that much sleep. It could've been because of my mom's snoring, perhaps it was the fact that I didn't listen to NELMPA. Man did I screw that one in the ass, it was like doing a donkey or a donkey doing you. That could have been my mom's snoring too... Anyway, strike one, and and I am still at bat. "Hope the govermen' don' comw' afta' mah teef." Wish me luck and basketballs.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Have you ever seen the stars at night?

No, I am really asking. Have you seen the stars at night? Aren't they great. Sometimes I think that they might be stars on earth, and I don't mean the hollywood kind. I mean people. Then not so long after I find that most of these earth stars share something in common with their alien cousins. Both are radioactive, by this I mean that If you get too close you'll get burned. I don't like getting burned. My hands are burned, so is my forehead. I've had enough of these stars. No longer will I be burned. I've decided that the best way to interact with stars is in a lawn chair looking at the sky. All those who have been burned before should realize that it is impossible. Maybe you will have better luck in the future where there are more stars in a smaller area where they can get ride of their heat easier. I'm not taking that chance, too many burns. Too many burns. I'll be back later to post the latest world and US news...

One of these days

How many stanzas make a poem?
How many sentences make a poem?
How many words make a poem?
How many letters make a poem?
How many emotions make a poem?
As many as your little beating heart desires

Sunday, December 21, 2003

I'll have it anyway

Maybe this is the sound of my fall
on the concrete floors
This is all your fault
just because i couldn't give you more

This is the sound of my fall
But this time I won't get up
won't even try to crawl

One day i'll be back
and you'll be sorry
cause I won't look back
And just won't care what you say
I won't listen and I won't stay

This is all your fault
Didn't give a shit
now look at it
I just don't care anymore
won't sit here and stare anymore

**inspired by American Hi-Fi: this is the sound

Never Ever Let Me Plan Anything! (NELMPA!)

I am so pissed off. First of all Winamp decided to come out with Winamp 5. There are so many reasons for why this is wrong. Firstly, there was no Winamp 4, only Winamp 3. How the hell are you going to skip a number?! It really pisses me off. Next, it takes up so much memory that to run it you would need a super-computer, and let me tell you even my mod has trouble using it. One principle of winamp which made it work, probably the only principal that made it work was that it was free. Not just one version, but all the versions. Now Winamp 5 has gone and changed that. One version of Winamp 5 is free and the other (the one with CD burning and other crap) is not. How degrading, I hope that now they feel like Realplayer, those damn bastards. I now predict that the programmers of Winamp will never be able to look in the mirrors for reasons

  • Out of pure shame.
  • because I would have already gauged their eyes out by then.

Besides that today has been like crap with crap on the side and some more crap for dessert. Never allow me to plan anything, I will so do it up the ass that it isn't even funny. One simple thing, how could it have gone awry in so many ways. ARRRGGGG!! Till later when I am not as pissed off at your couch's face!
**more crap just happened! Somehow the columbia server messed up my SQL code so I have to fix that so that people can see the About the Staff page. I hate this crap

O'lay Three in one Day!

check this article out. Gov. Schwarzenegger has envoked crisis powers. I think that he is ultimately out to build a gigantic army of terminators. Did you know that he owns a large portion of the Washinton Post in stock.

I don't give a damn where Waldo is!

Man what a day Friday was... First I hung out with the 1337 of 133757. My brother, a bunch of his friends, a bunch of his friends' friends and me (don't worry I knew all of them...infact they are kinda like my friends) went to see LOTR: The Return Of The King. The theater that we went to had the best seats ever! These things rocked, literally. They rocked back and forth. On a side note, if you guys are wondering which theater, it's the LOEWS on 34th and 7th ave. Good times. The Return of the Kings wasn't the best out of all three. I think that it has already being brought up that the movie is 3 and half hour long. My ass started to hurt by the end. But it didn't matter because it was worth all that time, besides they make sure that the movie kept you really interested. At no point did I want to yawn or turn away. The only problem that I had with the movie was that it wasn't true to the book as the others. That's probably because it was already really long, so I can't wait till the extended edition comes out and I can see the cut out scenes.
Anyway After the movie, Goldberg and his friends wanted to go eat some sushi, so the rest of us followed them up a block. After realizing that the sushi place was nowhere near 34th street, we asked where he was going. The answer: "to st.Marx's for sushi, it's half off." That is just competely fucked up, he wanted us to go downtown to the villiage (damn villiage) so that we could get rotten raw fish, not just raw fish, but that crap that they sell for half off. Anyway we ended up going to Popeye's (yea i know it isn't that much better, but hey atleast it was close by). That was my friday!

Beagle 2 heads for Xmas day landing on Mars **AND LOL

Yea I found really kewl article in the Financial Times. The british are planning to land a probe on Mars! Take that you martians!
** LOL check out Harpers. I just saw the funniest song/poem/rap thing there.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Hey...it's been a fun night and all, now would you mind letting go of my pantloons?

anyway, I had fun yesterday, and I just wanted to post some things here for all you not so able LOTR movie goers. There are certain things that you just can't get without reading the book. Several of you were asking me why Gandalf didn't die the last time... Well, I have the answers, there are in one of Tolkien's unfinished tales that his son edited and published. At least that is where I found them.
Gandalf is one of the five Istari that were sent to Middle-Earth. Both in The Hobbit and in the Lord of the Rings he plays an essential role. He was sent to protect and guide the people of Middle-Earth. He was given the Elvenring Narya by Cirdan the Shipwright. His most valuable contributions were made in the War against Sauron and without the guidance and actions of Gandalf, Middle-Earth would have been lost. He tamed the horse Shadowfax and took him as his own. He was seen by many as a "stormcrow" as he always came with bad news that troubled a lot of people. Gandalf the Grey was lost in the mines of Moria as he fought the Balrog and was dragged down in the fall at the bridge of Khazad-dum.
Other names for Ganadalf: Gandalf, Mithrandir, Olorin, Incanus, Lathspell, Stormcrow

Now about Balrogs...
The Balrogs were spirits of fire seduced by Melkor in the beginning of Arda. In appearance, the Balrogs were man-like, but fire streamed from them, and they were swathed in dark shadows. They carried whips of flame and induced great terror in friends and foes alike. Most of the Balrogs were destroyed in the War of Wrath, but some few escaped over the Blue Mountains and lay hid in Middle-earth. Durin's Bane, the balrog that drove the Dwarves from Moria, was one of these. This Balrog caused the fall of Gandalf but was ultimately destroyed by Gandalf.

Now Orcs...
Orcs have always been the footsoldiers of the enemy and in the Lord of the Rings both Saruman and Sauron used them for their evil purposes. Originally they are said to be Elves who we were corrupted by Melkor before the beginning of the First Age. In appearance, Orcs were squat, swarthy creatures. Most of them preferred the darkness, being blinded by the light of the Sun, but the kinds bred later in the Third Age such as the Uruk-hai could endure the daylight.

Some might want to know the history about Shadowfax, Ganalf's horse:
Shadowfax is the fastest horse of Middle-earth and is a decendant of the mighty Mearas. He was tamed by Gandalf who then "barrowed" him from King Theoden. After Gandalf cured King Theoden, Shadowfax was given to Gandalf. Shadowfax's legendary speed was of vital importance for Gandalf's missions and it allowed him to make many just in time appearances. Shadawfax was always riden bare back and it is believed that he left Middle-earth together with his master Gandalf.

Who is Treebeard (the treant)...
Treebeard is the oldest of the Ents, an ancient Tree-like people. His name is the Westron translation of the Elvish name Fangorn. Merry and Pippin met Treebeard as they came to Fangorn Forest after escaping from the orcs. They told all they knew and roused Treebeard. Treebeard then assembled the entmoot, a meeting of Ents and the Ents decided to attack Saruman in Isengard. They defeated Saruman and the Power of Isengard and thus played a vital role in the vicotory of good.

That's all for now, going to post stuff about yesterday sometime later when i get back from Legal Outreach. The movie I won't speak of until everyone sees it... Then by god will I speak!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Hooray! The money cow has been crippled and its stomach lines the streets like a carpet.

hehehehehehe... I am so bored... The last tweny four hours haven't been what you would call fun... Infact they were pretty crummy. My shoulders hurts a lot! It's too much, feels like I should chop it off. Pain... Christmas is coming up, and I need to buy some people some stuff... Actually I'm not going to do any christmas stuff. Actually the only person that is getting a gift is Dollface, and that's cause it's her b-day in a couple of days. That doesn't mean that I don't love you guys, its just that I am poor like a well...the title explains it, my moneys hehehe moneys...hehehe lies spilled across the street.

Clive Barker's Undying

just a personal reminder sorry.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Whoops I've slipped and I can't get up

My bad... You're right I am pretty slow. To just let the people know, the U.S History homework was to outline p735-740, I just outlined p535-540. The funny thing is that they are pretty similar. Anyway I didn't notice till like the last page that it wasn't adding up. LMAO
Kazza Lite isn't my thing, not after it became horribly slow. Maybe that was just me... Limewire seemed to be fast, and thanks for the Aqualime, great thing. Man, I am now going to hit myself with a large piece of wood until I get smart...

PERSON: trying to start the essay
tevren2k3: oh, i'll leave u alone, tell me when u are done
PERSON: probably not until late
PERSON: maybe tomoorow
tevren2k3: u should really get started on it
PERSON: i know
tevren2k3: u've been putting it off for a long time
PERSON: see u 2morrow
tevren2k3: bye

Damn I am a dumbass, how the hell am I going to lose such a brilliant chance, damn I feel like such a fucking dumbass.

I love because I hate

Oh my god, I hate Limewire. Yet, I feel a strange attraction to it. The thing is that the downloads are pretty fast, at least for music. I just can't believe that something so good could be fucked up the ass so much. The programmers crammed so much spyware up Limewire's ass. Oh my god, it takes it two minutes to start up on my laptop. Some people might say, "it's cause you are using a laptop." No. That's not it. My laptop is pretty good. When I checked to see why my computer was going so slow, I saw that Limewire was running atleast 4 spyware programs on the side. I wanted throw my laptop out of the fourth floor window, the only problem being that I live on the first floor.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Jesus Was Way Cool by King Missile

Jesus was way cool
Everybody liked Jesus
Everybody wanted to hang out with him
Anything he wanted to do, he did
He turned water into wine
And if he wanted to
He could have turned wheat into marijuana
Or sugar into cocaine
Or vitamin pills into amphetamines

He walked on the water
And swam on the land
He would tell these stories
And people would listen
He was really cool

If you were blind or lame
You just went to Jesus
And he would put his hands on you
And you would be healed
That's so cool

He could've played guitar better than Hendrix
He could've told the future
He could've baked the most delicious cake in the world
He could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky
He could've danced better than Barishnikov
Jesus could have been funnier than any comedian you can think of
Jesus was way cool

He told people to eat his body and drink his blood
That's so cool
Jesus was so cool
But then some people got jealous of how cool he was
So they killed him
But then he rose from the dead
He rose from the dead, danced around
Then went up to heaven
I mean, that's so cool
Jesus was way cool

No wonder there are so many Christians

Monday, December 15, 2003

spiderman, spiderman...lalala lalala

If you haven't already check out the preview for Spiderman 2. It looks fantastic, even fantastimatic...yes I know that I just made up a word.

By the way: the old comments are gone cause their were closed for maintance, and they said that all the old ones will be deleted so that the new script can start working.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

And Australia was like "WTF mate"

Well...It's been a while since I have really posted something good. I wanted to post yesterday, but by the time I got around to it, it was 1pm and I had to sleep. Yesterday was a fun filled day with lots of surprise. By fun I mean that is sucked the largest elephant around. Firstly I had to go to Legal Outreach where they whined about me never really changing my essay... Well screw that, it's fine the way it is. Waited around for Yee, who took forever. While I was waiting I found out that there was a mandatory thing at the Juliard that I had to got to, at 7. Now one might think that oh, that's great. You can be cultured and crap. NOOO! It was the worst two hours of my life. Of my several complaints, the first would be that it was dance, something I have carefully avoided since 6th grade. I had to think all deep and crap to see what they were actually trying to say with their movements. That is pure bull, after thirty minutes, all they were doing was frolicking on stage. I couldn't even fall asleep due to my mentor and his friends poking me to death every time I blinked. I might have somewhat enjoyed it the dancers were professionals, no damn, cheap Legal Outreach sends us to a free show where the choreographers showed off their dance students. At one point I swear that they were having gay sex on the stage. I didn't even have to pay for this one. But it was so annoying, every five minutes one guy would say something about not being able to hear the other guy. It was a original thought, but it got played out after the fifth time. Then there was a guy and a girl and when the girl sang (horribly) the guy would shut her up. There was one point when she sang while he was lifting her above his head and all I could think was "drop her, come on, end it." The guy would sing horribly as well, and the chick would shut him up as well, and me being me hoped that she would deck him...
After the show I went to go get some dinner, note to everyone there are no good restaurants around 65th street. First I hit that pizza place, Raybari Pizza (yes they have a web site). They make pure crap in the shape of triangles. The pizza was burned and he got the toppings all wrong. I didn't ask for spinach jackass. Then there is that Japanese place on 72nd. They gave me the wierdest look when I ordered 1 shrimp tenpura. The guy at the counter drew a blank and said "one tenpura?" It was good. The soy sauce tasted like watered down diet coke though... That was yesterday.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

deutschland...no, this isn't deutschland

long time no see. man, this is the worst time of the year, well kinda anyway. all those people, all of them running over you to get to the really cheap DVD Player. Why did they have to put to many things in one month. Well...as you can see, i am not in the greatest mood, just wanted to post before anyone said anything, which would evoke some generic response and so on.
*sorry for mistake, will spell it right from now on.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

If you liked the last one

I have another contribution to make to the world, or atleast this website. Try going to google again. This time type in weapons of mass destruction and click on I'm feeling lucky. It's not as great as the last one, but it sure is classic.

How deserving...

I found this little trick on the Little Gamers' news post and indeed was on the floor laughing like a madman. Go to Google and type in Miserable Failure and hit I'm feeling lucky. It's so deserving. I am sorry Summer for posting this, but its so funny! Nothing against Texas or its people... okay I lied as long as they produce this...sigh.

Friday, December 05, 2003

Official Ninja Week

You are a ninja!
You are ninja. Sign up at NinjaBurger.com

brought to you by Quizilla

try to see if you are a ninja too

Child's Play

Get warm fuzzies all over
I'm not kidding at all. Check out the letter from the reader. It's things like this that make me feel nice about being a gamer/reader of penny arcade. I haven't donated or bought something for those kids yet, but I will before x-mas. I'll probably end up donating thirty bucks. It'll be thirty bucks well spent.

Thursday, December 04, 2003


HAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, I was playing some starcraft today with GS. We played two n00b games. Both were pretty funny. this is a pretty inside joke, so most people like you won't get it:

"good job team"
HAHAHAHAHAHA.. The second game was pretty funny, since our opponents didn't turn on ally chat, and so i had to suffer their n00b arguements. to all n00bs:
J00 4r3 411 f4Gz !!! i 0WnZ J00 !!

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

the funny and the sad

I saw this death rate chart from the CIA. It made me laugh to say the least. It's pretty distrubing. Apparently the death rate in Guyana is higher than the death rate of the world. You can see this if you scroll down the list. Very sad :(

Tuesday, December 02, 2003


I haven't taken a day off in months. Wow, it feels good. Feel so much better, my fever has dropped down to around 101... okay, so maybe it didn't drop a lot.
Nicee to know that you have finished applying for college. Going to bathroom to puke, peace till later.