We're very happy thank you.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Hey...it's been a fun night and all, now would you mind letting go of my pantloons?

anyway, I had fun yesterday, and I just wanted to post some things here for all you not so able LOTR movie goers. There are certain things that you just can't get without reading the book. Several of you were asking me why Gandalf didn't die the last time... Well, I have the answers, there are in one of Tolkien's unfinished tales that his son edited and published. At least that is where I found them.
Gandalf is one of the five Istari that were sent to Middle-Earth. Both in The Hobbit and in the Lord of the Rings he plays an essential role. He was sent to protect and guide the people of Middle-Earth. He was given the Elvenring Narya by Cirdan the Shipwright. His most valuable contributions were made in the War against Sauron and without the guidance and actions of Gandalf, Middle-Earth would have been lost. He tamed the horse Shadowfax and took him as his own. He was seen by many as a "stormcrow" as he always came with bad news that troubled a lot of people. Gandalf the Grey was lost in the mines of Moria as he fought the Balrog and was dragged down in the fall at the bridge of Khazad-dum.
Other names for Ganadalf: Gandalf, Mithrandir, Olorin, Incanus, Lathspell, Stormcrow

Now about Balrogs...
The Balrogs were spirits of fire seduced by Melkor in the beginning of Arda. In appearance, the Balrogs were man-like, but fire streamed from them, and they were swathed in dark shadows. They carried whips of flame and induced great terror in friends and foes alike. Most of the Balrogs were destroyed in the War of Wrath, but some few escaped over the Blue Mountains and lay hid in Middle-earth. Durin's Bane, the balrog that drove the Dwarves from Moria, was one of these. This Balrog caused the fall of Gandalf but was ultimately destroyed by Gandalf.

Now Orcs...
Orcs have always been the footsoldiers of the enemy and in the Lord of the Rings both Saruman and Sauron used them for their evil purposes. Originally they are said to be Elves who we were corrupted by Melkor before the beginning of the First Age. In appearance, Orcs were squat, swarthy creatures. Most of them preferred the darkness, being blinded by the light of the Sun, but the kinds bred later in the Third Age such as the Uruk-hai could endure the daylight.

Some might want to know the history about Shadowfax, Ganalf's horse:
Shadowfax is the fastest horse of Middle-earth and is a decendant of the mighty Mearas. He was tamed by Gandalf who then "barrowed" him from King Theoden. After Gandalf cured King Theoden, Shadowfax was given to Gandalf. Shadowfax's legendary speed was of vital importance for Gandalf's missions and it allowed him to make many just in time appearances. Shadawfax was always riden bare back and it is believed that he left Middle-earth together with his master Gandalf.

Who is Treebeard (the treant)...
Treebeard is the oldest of the Ents, an ancient Tree-like people. His name is the Westron translation of the Elvish name Fangorn. Merry and Pippin met Treebeard as they came to Fangorn Forest after escaping from the orcs. They told all they knew and roused Treebeard. Treebeard then assembled the entmoot, a meeting of Ents and the Ents decided to attack Saruman in Isengard. They defeated Saruman and the Power of Isengard and thus played a vital role in the vicotory of good.

That's all for now, going to post stuff about yesterday sometime later when i get back from Legal Outreach. The movie I won't speak of until everyone sees it... Then by god will I speak!


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