We're very happy thank you.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

I don't give a damn where Waldo is!

Man what a day Friday was... First I hung out with the 1337 of 133757. My brother, a bunch of his friends, a bunch of his friends' friends and me (don't worry I knew all of them...infact they are kinda like my friends) went to see LOTR: The Return Of The King. The theater that we went to had the best seats ever! These things rocked, literally. They rocked back and forth. On a side note, if you guys are wondering which theater, it's the LOEWS on 34th and 7th ave. Good times. The Return of the Kings wasn't the best out of all three. I think that it has already being brought up that the movie is 3 and half hour long. My ass started to hurt by the end. But it didn't matter because it was worth all that time, besides they make sure that the movie kept you really interested. At no point did I want to yawn or turn away. The only problem that I had with the movie was that it wasn't true to the book as the others. That's probably because it was already really long, so I can't wait till the extended edition comes out and I can see the cut out scenes.
Anyway After the movie, Goldberg and his friends wanted to go eat some sushi, so the rest of us followed them up a block. After realizing that the sushi place was nowhere near 34th street, we asked where he was going. The answer: "to st.Marx's for sushi, it's half off." That is just competely fucked up, he wanted us to go downtown to the villiage (damn villiage) so that we could get rotten raw fish, not just raw fish, but that crap that they sell for half off. Anyway we ended up going to Popeye's (yea i know it isn't that much better, but hey atleast it was close by). That was my friday!


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