Firstly I found this cute picture on the New York Times website.

Secondly I made a little skit that I should really not share because it just goes to show that I am clinically insane.
The worst thing that you can say at a funeral
guy1: So... was she any good in bed?
guy2: She was my grandmother!
guy1: Oh...Oh...ummm....did you ever play those strange hideNseek goes wrong games with her?
guy2: DUDE! She was my grandmother, and I loved her (in a plutonic way). I just wish that she was still here. What the hell is wrong with you?
guy1: Man, if you loved her so much, why don't you stuff her and put her in the living room... you're going to hit me now aren't you.
::stare at each other for a moment::
guy2: Yes. Yes, I am.
::guy2 smacks guy1 upside his head::
Oh by the way for all of you who are looking to for a good mp3 player for your desktop, try
iTunes. It's pretty good. The best part of it is that it organizes your music into all these little catagories and for all you 'legal eagles' you can download your music 'legally' with it. The worst part of iTunes is the AAC formating. The encryption makes it immpossible to make mp3s and to put mp3s on mp3 players (except iPods). Don't be bummed out, there is a bug in the program that you can crack and well not have your music be AAC encypted. I don't personally know how to, but it is explained
here (the links there will also lead you to places that show you how).
In my personal experience, iTunes was wonderful. The reasons for this being that my mp3s are on another computer and so when i access them over my network, iTunes can't encrypt them. I also don't download music or burn music using iTunes, so well no encryption there. I am still grey on this AAC, I don't think it applies if you don't use iTunes for burning or downloading. I can still burn all my music that I listened to, in fact I just did. I also messed with the some of the libary files that iTunes came with, and that's another reason why it didn't do anything to my music. Please don't do what I did because after a week my iTunes stopped working, and everytime I download it, it still doesn't work. Oh well, I'll just stick to my Winamp 2.8 and Nero 5.0. Overall iTunes is a good music player (it organizes wonderfully), and it can be better if you crack it... Not that I am telling you to...