We're very happy thank you.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Are you looking to public humilation or were you born a retard?

This is the emailed to the reporter (lol him a reporter) from the NY POST concerning this article. Penny Arcade addressed it too, but nothing like this:

Hey there? I was just wondering if you actually played video games or just spend the entire day trash talking and being a fucktard. Maybe you are doing this to gain publicity for your news paper, I don't know why exactly but it's a stupid move. Video Games are meant to distract people from the pains of reality into a virtual playground where they can forfill their inner desired in a virtual reality instead of a real one. Would you rather have killers running outside or in a videogame. I think you jumped to your conclusion way too fast. People who play video games aren't that bad, infact if look into Child's Play you will see that gamers have a heart of gold and aren't the vicious racists that you potray them to be.
In conclusion, I would just like to remind you that you are a bias bastard who fucks sliver back gorillas in the ass while watching some strip dancing hobo in the park, mother fucking dickfart.

I probably won't be able to check this out in school cause of the proxy. As my new year's wish, I ask that very one flame this retard with emails stating that he should be sent off to a leber colony and be left there to rot until even the lebers grow tired of his company (which shouldn't be long). Then he should be forced to walks the streets of NYC naked. By the way his e-mail is: cbyron@nypost.com.


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