We're very happy thank you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

hehehehe... Ice Tea....

hehehehehe... Ice Tea... Hehehehe. Anyway I have decided that I don't like people with baggy clothing. Really, why would you wear pants that are large enough to be classified as blankets. If you are wondering why I am talking about this... Well wonder no more.
Today I went to Modells. The reason I went there was to get some cargo pants that they had been carrying for years. This year though, there were no normal pants. The things were huge. A couple, I think medium or large, were about my hieght, I could literally fall into them and no one would find me for years. I am not even that short... maybe I am, but still pants legs that are 5 feet long? No fucking way! I saw some other kid too, he was swimming in those things. Why would you wear those pants? It's a waste of material, you could have made at least another pair out of the extra fabric. Then there are the patches on the pants... Those useless patches.

'Oh look at me, I am so poor and ghetto because I put patches on my pants, even though they weren't ripped or anything. I am cool right? right guys?'

Those people are lucky that I was wasted and didn't freak out.


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