Today's been passing slowly...don't know why but it has. Anway there are going to be new people making posts, including Summer Gypsy, Gen. Sedwick, Shari and maybe someone else as well. Since today is going so slow, I decided to take some of those online "personality tests." Here are the sad, sad results.
My crappy little elf name is Brookbank Hairtoe.
What's yours?
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My Iraqi Leadership Name is Nusayyif Rashid Muhyi Amin Zubaydi.
What's yours?
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My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Wankmaster Teapot, Yo.
What's yours?
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My Mormon name is Justan Tru Brantly!
What's yours?

How dumb are you?

What Kind of Drunk Are You?

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

Which Evil Criminal are You?
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