We're very happy thank you.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Hmmm.... This is a very strange predictment we have ourselves in isn't it. Oh haven't you heard, It's recently been reported that President Bush commented on the fact that's he is okay with the CIA's reliance on bias, unsupportable evidence about Iraqi "WMD" (Weapons of Mass destruction). You can check out this article at:New York Times. I just tried to find out what the exact address was, but couldn't but managed to find that they had another article labeled: "Bush Aides Now Say Claim on Uranium Was Accurate." Don't really know what to believe if they keep doing this kind of shit.
Also in today's NY Times: Rumsfeld Says Iraq May Need a Larger Force. Why would Iraq need a larger force, it's been conquered! There isn't anything there expect people with rocks, their nuclear properties extend to boulder technology. Oh my best take of those dangerous Iraqis before they drop a boulder on my dog. Peace Out, I think I'll get me a dog and crush it with a boulder.


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