We're very happy thank you.

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Coyote Captures Roadrunner!

Or something like it. I had the worst experience this morning when I woke up... or afternoon when I woke up. My Roadrunner cable internet wasn't working! At first I was scared that the 56k monsters might creep out of my computer's modem and eat me. Then I raced around my apartment checking all the connections to see what might have happened. After completely exhausting myself, I managed to gather the courage and calling Roadrunner Tech Help. It took me about seven minutes of being on hold and three or four crappy "phone-elevator" songs to finally talk to a person, where I heard the worst news of my life. Their servers were down! They told me that it would another couple of hours till the service came back. I tried to occupy my time, but it didn't work. Next I tried to talk to my family (worst idea ever) and it ended up with a conversation about me studying bio-tech. in college. Next I tried to read, but I ended up picking out a "How to share your cable internet on you home network" book. In the end I was in a corner shaking back and forth till 2pm at which point my cable came back. Yay!


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