We're very happy thank you.

Monday, August 04, 2003

well then....

Hmm... The world is round and has aliens. Well, at least that's what Men In Black taught me. Truthfully I believe that aliens exist because it would be very arrogant of the human race to say that aliens don't exist. Also if Earth was the only planet with life, then it would be a really waste of space (another movie reference, even though I can't remember which one it is). Aliens living on Earth in human suits, why not. Hell, if they have fat suits then why not human suits. It's kinda like a huge Halloween party. Then there is the other thing they (MIB) ask you to believe in order for this movie to make sense. They ask you to believe that the Earth is round. Now come on... A round Earth is almost as strange as Michael Jackson being straight. The people who live in a place I call "reality" agree with me that Michael Jackson is not straight, but for some odd reason they tend not to believe that the Earth is flat. Who needs reality? Not me. In my world Michael Jackson is not straight and the Earth is not round. I live in a great world.


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