We're very happy thank you.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

a kewl new web comic
firstly, you will have to excuse my typing tonight. I spilled food on my laptop last night and the keys aren't working that well. Anyway the think that is so kewl is my friend's web comic. Many of you (by that I mean the ones that write in this blog and probably the only ones who read it) might know him, his name is Brendon. Anyway his new web comic is called Mirth. Check it out; it is a really kewl comic. He only has his first one out.
Up is down and down is Up
The A key keeps getting stuck, same with the shift key. The titles aren't here because this program doesn't use titles. It was cold today,real cold. The kind of cold that puts you to sleep and freezes you insides. So cold. If you believe that everything in this world is alright, they lie. For some odd reason I am both cold and warm, cold on the inside and warm as hell on the outside. I think I am sick, but I don't think that I can be cured. There are no cures, only excuses. "Oh no he didn't die of a cold, we gave him the vaccine. He died from being retarded." Excuses, the reason that the world runs as it does. Hmm... I am going to sleep now, hopefully forever.


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